One Way You Might Be Sabotaging Your Picky Eater

One Way You Might Be Sabotaging Your Picky Eater

I’d guess that you have an inner dialogue running through your mind before you even serve your child a new food: “He isn’t going to eat that. “She won’t like it.” “That’s never going to work.” “Psh, yea right.”     You’re not making these up. I know they’re...
The Best Chairs for Picky Eaters

The Best Chairs for Picky Eaters

Updated September 2022  This article shares the best chairs for picky eaters – and all kids.  Picture this: you just sat down for a meal with your child, only for them to be squirming constantly, jumping out of their seat, or having a hard time focusing on their food....
10 Expert Tips to Improve Extreme Picky Eating

10 Expert Tips to Improve Extreme Picky Eating

How do you help an extremely picky eater try new foods?      Hint – there’s no ONE answer or single thing you need to be doing.  Instead, there are a number of things (simple things, but still a number of things) that should be in place and happening...