by Jenny Friedman, RD | Oct 17, 2022
I’d guess that you have an inner dialogue running through your mind before you even serve your child a new food: “He isn’t going to eat that. “She won’t like it.” “That’s never going to work.” “Psh, yea right.” You’re not making these up. I know they’re...
by Jenny Friedman, RD | Oct 10, 2022
Updated September 2022 This article shares the best chairs for picky eaters – and all kids. Picture this: you just sat down for a meal with your child, only for them to be squirming constantly, jumping out of their seat, or having a hard time focusing on their food....
by Jenny Friedman, RD | Oct 3, 2022
How do you help an extremely picky eater try new foods? Hint – there’s no ONE answer or single thing you need to be doing. Instead, there are a number of things (simple things, but still a number of things) that should be in place and happening...
by Jenny Friedman, RD | Sep 26, 2022
This article shares five things worth buying to improve your child’s picky eating. Let’s be honest: you wish there was something you could buy that would dramatically improve your child’s picky eating. Unfortunately, when it comes to picky eating, and...
by Jenny Friedman, RD | Sep 12, 2022
This article shares the formula that helps extremely picky eaters try new foods and explains why you even need a formula to help your child eat better in the first place. You don’t even need to head to Google to know that there is no shortage of must-try solutions to...