by Jenny Friedman, RD | Jul 10, 2023
Read on to find my 22 favorite tools that can help even the pickiest eaters try new foods. It’s no secret that I love having kids get hands on with food. Research shows that positive food interactions and repeated exposures to new foods increase both a child’s...
by Jenny Friedman, RD | Jun 19, 2023
Summer’s only just beginning and already it’s on-the-go all day every day. Whether you’re looking ahead to a roadtrip, spending your days on the beach, or park hopping all summer long, there’s one thing I know you need to make your days a...
by Jenny Friedman, RD | May 29, 2023
Welcome to May’s installment of Four Fun Things – a roundup of things I’m using and loving lately. Baby Z is starting solids, and I’m preoccupied by all things feeding kids (I guess what else is new?). That’s all to say: get ready for four fun things related to...
by Jenny Friedman, RD | May 22, 2023
This article shares tips for raising a healthy picky eater – even in the face of a limited diet and a love for sweets and carbs. You’ll read about what to look for in a multivitamin and if one is even needed, you’ll get a list of healthy picky eater...
by Jenny Friedman, RD | Apr 17, 2023
If only getting your child to eat a new food were as simple as serving it. The reality is that so many factors go into if and when your child will eat a new food. Yes, you want to address them all, but you also want to be intentional and focused. In my work with...