The Right Portion Sizes for Toddlers with Autism

The Right Portion Sizes for Toddlers with Autism

Kids with autism can experience many barriers that impact how much they eat: Rigid eating preferences Dulled sensations of hunger and fullness Preference for sameness Fear of new foods Poor posture and/or oral motor skills If these autism eating issues don’t have you...
The Right Portion Sizes for Toddlers with Autism

The Best Way to Serve New Foods to Autistic Kids

Eating is tricky. Especially for kids with autism. Children with autism face many barriers to eating: sensory issues, rigid preferences, and fear of new foods (neophobia) are some of the most common ones I see. That’s all to say eating issues in autism aren’t always...
Why You Need to Be Your Child’s Food Boss

Why You Need to Be Your Child’s Food Boss

Lisa, a mom I’m working with in my Autism Nutrition Program, warned me when we started working together that her son, Eli, dictates what he eats for meals and snacks. I’ve actually seen him in action. When it’s time for a meal, Eli makes his request and stubbornly...