by Jenny Friedman, RD | Sep 21, 2020
Think about how your toddler or young child learns about their world. They ask questions. They touch things and feel them. This is often known as play-based learning. It is a natural experience of learning, building confidence, and acquiring new skills. Experiences...
by Jenny Friedman, RD | Sep 7, 2020
“They’ll grow out of it.” “It’s just a phase.” “Don’t worry, they’ll eat when they’re truly hungry.” Sound familiar? As a parent of a child who struggles to eat, these phrases might be ones you’ve heard before. Picky eating is a common part of childhood. So much so...
by Jenny Friedman, RD | Aug 31, 2020
In this post you’ll find 9 healthy sensory-friendly snacks for picky eaters. Looking for new healthy sensory-friendly snack ideas for picky eaters as we head back to school? Or maybe you’re just hoping to find something more nutritious than cheese puffs for your...
by Jenny Friedman, RD | Aug 10, 2020
It’s hard to identify extreme picky eating at first. Is it normal and will it go away or is this something more severe? Should you let it play out or begin to seek help? In the beginning it’s impossible to know and often by the time you identify your child’s eating as...
by Jenny Friedman, RD | Jul 27, 2020
You’re beginning to notice some changes to your child’s intake. Maybe they’re dropping the number of foods they eat, having meltdowns at mealtimes, refusing all vegetables, or demanding the same meal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. What do you do? Is it best to give...